Don't Accept Poverty

I think part of the reason people struggle to become wealthy and successful (however they may define those things) is that they hear doggerel like "money is the root of all evil" and assume there's something wrong with striving for success. I'm not sure this is quite as black-and-white as the message I offer up in this article, where I effectively argue that the super-wealthy keep the poor down on purpose. But I think there's at least a grain of truth to that. After all, the only way for some to rise is for others to fall.

Post number 42.

Meditate. Do It.

There's this constant sense in modern society that we must always be busy, must always be working. We used to be able to bear moments of silence and peace. Now, we fill those moments with social media scrolling and email refreshing. I was reading a lot about minimalism in college, so I wrote this article on the subject of learning to be at peace with yourself and taking the time to meditate. I'm not very good at it myself, even to this day, but it's worth trying if you're feeling stressed or overworked.

Post number 41.

Living With a Mental Disorder

From what my editor told me, this was by far my most popular articleβ€”in fact, it was the most popular article for the entire opinion section all year, if I remember correctly (if anyone knows otherwise they're welcome to let me know). Readers told me it struck a chord with them, perhaps because I was speaking from experience. I don't know how to fix most of these problems, even though I somehow managed to fix my own after I wrote this post. I'm no longer on medication, and I'm the happiest I've ever been.

But if there's any way I can help anyone who has a mental disorder, or thinks they do and wants to talk to someone who's been there, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Post number 39.