As you may have seen in my Christmas letter, I am officially a Software Developer at Radial Development Group (or O'Radial, if you prefer)! I was super excited to accept the offer and have been working there since December in conjunction with my job at T-Mobile.
I will still continue to blog here occasionally, but I have also started blogging for Radial about my work there. My first post is about uploading CSV files through an asynchronous worker in a Ruby on Rails project. It's likely to be better than my usual writing because blogging at Radial means I actually have an editor to cut up my lengthy sentences and off-topic commentary. It's also pretty exciting for me because it means I'm being paid to write, which is kind of a dream I've had for a while.
In other words, you should go check it out here. Thanks to Stephanie and Ben for the help on this one!
Post number 28.